AWS Big Data Certification: Your Path to Mastering Data Analytics on the Cloud

In today's era of data-driven decision-making, the ability to effectively harness and analyze large datasets is a highly sought-after skill that can unlock numerous career opportunities. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a prominent cloud computing platform, offers a variety of certifications designed to help professionals develop expertise in different aspects of cloud computing.

One particularly noteworthy certification offered by AWS is the AWS Big Data Specialty, which holds significant value for individuals aiming to excel in data analytics within the AWS environment. This article aims to delve into the importance of the AWS Big Data Certification, its advantages, and strategies for preparing for this challenging yet rewarding credential.

What Is AWS Big Data Certification

AWS Big Data

The AWS Big Data Certification, officially known as AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty (DAS-C01), is designed for individuals who conduct advanced big data analyses using AWS services. The exam covers five key domains:

  • Collection:

This involves gathering data from various sources using AWS services such as Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and more.

  • Storage and Data Management:

This domain focuses on storing and managing data using AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, and others.

  • Processing:

Here, candidates learn how to process data using AWS services such as Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, and more.

  • Analysis and Visualization:

This domain covers the analysis and visualization of data using AWS services such as Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and others.

  • Security:

This involves securing data and adhering to best practices using AWS services such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Key Management Service (KMS), AWS CloudTrail, and more.

The exam consists of 65 questions in multiple-choice or multiple-response format. Candidates have 180 minutes to complete the exam, and the passing score is 750 out of 1000. The exam fee is $300 USD.

Preparing for AWS Big Data Specialty Certification

AWS Big Data Specialty

Preparing for the AWS Big Data Specialty certification demands thorough preparation and a solid grasp of the exam domains. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you kick-start your journey:

1. Study AWS Documentation and Whitepapers

Delve into AWS's extensive documentation, whitepapers, and resources related to big data services. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of AWS services and best practices for big data analytics on the platform. Focus on key services such as Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight.

2. Take Online Courses and Training

Enroll in online courses and training programs tailored for the AWS Big Data Specialty certification. Platforms like AWS Training and Certification, Coursera, and Udemy offer courses that cover the exam objectives in detail. These courses typically include recorded lessons, assessments, and practical exercises to reinforce your knowledge.

3. Practice with Hands-On Labs

Mastering AWS big data services requires hands-on experience. Set up your AWS environment and practice tasks related to data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and visualization. AWS provides a free tier that allows you to experiment with various services without incurring charges.

4. Use Practice Exams

Assess your readiness and pinpoint areas that require further study by utilizing practice exams. Numerous online platforms offer AWS Big Data Specialty practice exams, simulating the actual exam environment. Taking multiple practice exams will boost your confidence.

5. Join AWS Communities

Engage with AWS-related communities, forums, and discussion groups. Connecting with fellow AWS enthusiasts can offer valuable insights, tips, and support throughout your certification journey. Platforms like the AWS subreddit and the AWS Certification forum are excellent places to interact with others.

6. Stay Updated with AWS Announcements

Keep abreast of the latest developments by following AWS blogs, attending webinars, and subscribing to newsletters. Understanding the most recent advancements can be particularly advantageous during the exam.

What Are the Best Resources to Help You Pass AWS Big Data Certification?

Apart from the official resources provided by AWS Training and Certification, there are several other valuable resources that can aid in preparing for the AWS Big Data Certification. Here are some of the top resources recommended in this article:

  • AWS Documentation

The AWS Documentation offers comprehensive information and tutorials on utilizing AWS services for big data analytics. It includes guides, references, examples, best practices, FAQs, and more for each service. Additionally, the documentation can be downloaded in PDF or Kindle format for offline reading.

  • AWS Whitepapers

The AWS Whitepapers provide technical guidance and recommendations on various topics related to big data analytics, such as data lakes, streaming data, machine learning, and security. They are available for download in PDF format for offline reading.

  • AWS Blogs

The AWS Blogs provide valuable insights and updates on the latest trends and innovations in big data analytics. They cover various use cases, solutions, architectures, tips, tricks, and more from AWS experts and customers. Subscriptions to the blogs can be made via RSS or email.

  • AWS Podcasts

The AWS Podcasts offer audio content on different topics related to analyzing big data, including services, features, best practices, and customer stories from AWS experts and guests. Subscriptions to the podcasts are available via iTunes or Stitcher.

  • AWS YouTube Channel

The AWS YouTube Channel features video content on various topics related to analyzing big data, including services, demos, webinars, events, and customer stories from AWS experts and partners. Subscriptions to the channel and notifications for new videos can be enabled.

  • AWS Forums

The AWS Forums provide a platform for interaction with other AWS users and experts. Users can ask questions, share ideas, provide feedback, and engage in discussions on different topics related to analyzing big data. Existing threads can be searched, and new ones can be created.


Obtaining the AWS Big Data Specialty certification can open doors to a fulfilling career in the realm of cloud-based big data analytics. This comprehensive guide provides a roadmap to effectively prepare for the exam, showcasing your proficiency in AWS big data services and establishing yourself as a valuable asset in the data-driven landscape.

Whether you aspire to progress within your current role or venture into a new career trajectory, the AWS Big Data Specialty certification can serve as your key to success in the dynamic field of cloud-based data analytics.


Q: What is the AWS Big Data Specialty certification, and why is it important?
A: The AWS Big Data Specialty certification, officially known as AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty (DAS-C01), is designed for individuals who conduct advanced big data analyses using AWS services. It holds significant value for individuals aiming to excel in data analytics within the AWS environment.

Q: What are the key domains covered in the AWS Big Data Specialty certification exam?
A: The exam covers five key domains: Collection, Storage and Data Management, Processing, Analysis and Visualization, and Security.

Q: What are some strategies for preparing for the AWS Big Data Specialty certification?
A: Strategies for preparing for the certification include studying AWS documentation and whitepapers, taking online courses and training, practicing with hands-on labs, using practice exams, joining AWS communities, and staying updated with AWS announcements.

Q: What are some recommended resources to help prepare for the AWS Big Data Specialty certification?
A: Recommended resources include AWS Documentation, AWS Whitepapers, AWS Blogs, AWS Podcasts, AWS YouTube Channel, and AWS Forums.

Q: What are the potential career benefits of obtaining the AWS Big Data Specialty certification?
A: Obtaining the certification can open doors to a fulfilling career in the realm of cloud-based big data analytics, showcasing proficiency in AWS big data services and establishing oneself as a valuable asset in the data-driven landscape.
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